✓ University of Belgrade's Faculty of Political Science: PhD in Political Science (September 2016)
- Doctoral dissertation title: "Contemporary Socio-Political Approaches to Poverty Alleviation in Developing Countries" in Serbian
- Dissertation edited into a book published by the International Institute of Politics and Economics (2017)
- Doctoral dissertation title: "Contemporary Socio-Political Approaches to Poverty Alleviation in Developing Countries" in Serbian
- Dissertation edited into a book published by the International Institute of Politics and Economics (2017)
✓ Boston University: Master of Arts in International Relations, with distinction (September 2008)
- Thesis title: “Poverty Alleviation in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Analysis of Microfinance and Conditional Cash Transfers”
- Thesis edited into a peer-reviewed journal article published in the journal “Development in Practice” (August 2011), and findings presented at International Sustainable Development Research Conference in Utrecht (July 2009)
- Thesis title: “Poverty Alleviation in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Analysis of Microfinance and Conditional Cash Transfers”
- Thesis edited into a peer-reviewed journal article published in the journal “Development in Practice” (August 2011), and findings presented at International Sustainable Development Research Conference in Utrecht (July 2009)
✓ Boston University: Bachelor of Science in Communication (Minor in Business Administration and Management), Magna Cum Laude (May 2007)
Additional Training
✓ Harvard Kennedy School's Executive Education Performance Management for Nonprofit Organizations (May 31-June 3, 2017); Boston, MA
✓ Harvard Kennedy School's Executive Education Rethinking Financial Inclusion Course (May 10-15, 2015); Boston, MA
✓ AIESEC New Leaders Conference (November 7-8, 2011); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ ETH Zurich and ACTIS Youth Encounter on Sustainability with a special focus on Natural Resources, in Davos, Switzerland (September 9-26, 2011)
✓ ETH Zurich and ACTIS Youth Encounter on Sustainability with an additional focus on Democracy, Privatization and Common Goods (July 8-25, 2011); Kostunici, Serbia
✓ Quantitative Research Methods and Techniques for Analyzing Political Opinions and Behavior, Knowledge Innovation course at the University of Belgrade's Faculty of Political Science (March 5-June 11, 2011); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ National Democratic Institute’s Young Leaders of Serbia (February 11 - June 17, 2011); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ National Democratic Institute's Youth Leadership Academy (November 30-December 4, 2010); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ School for Future Leaders in Sustainable Development (September 4-25, 2010); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ Grameen Creative Lab’s Social Business Tour and Networking Event (October 30, 2010); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ The South-East European Summer School for Democracy (September 13-18, 2009); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ Economic and Social Policy Institute's Summer School (July 2009); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ Semester at Sea Summer Voyage (Summer 2006); Various Asian Countries
✓ Boston University Summer Language and Liberal Arts Program (Summer 2005); Madrid, Spain
✓ Harvard Kennedy School's Executive Education Rethinking Financial Inclusion Course (May 10-15, 2015); Boston, MA
✓ AIESEC New Leaders Conference (November 7-8, 2011); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ ETH Zurich and ACTIS Youth Encounter on Sustainability with a special focus on Natural Resources, in Davos, Switzerland (September 9-26, 2011)
✓ ETH Zurich and ACTIS Youth Encounter on Sustainability with an additional focus on Democracy, Privatization and Common Goods (July 8-25, 2011); Kostunici, Serbia
✓ Quantitative Research Methods and Techniques for Analyzing Political Opinions and Behavior, Knowledge Innovation course at the University of Belgrade's Faculty of Political Science (March 5-June 11, 2011); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ National Democratic Institute’s Young Leaders of Serbia (February 11 - June 17, 2011); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ National Democratic Institute's Youth Leadership Academy (November 30-December 4, 2010); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ School for Future Leaders in Sustainable Development (September 4-25, 2010); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ Grameen Creative Lab’s Social Business Tour and Networking Event (October 30, 2010); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ The South-East European Summer School for Democracy (September 13-18, 2009); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ Economic and Social Policy Institute's Summer School (July 2009); Belgrade, Serbia
✓ Semester at Sea Summer Voyage (Summer 2006); Various Asian Countries
✓ Boston University Summer Language and Liberal Arts Program (Summer 2005); Madrid, Spain
Affiliations and Leadership Positions Held at Boston University
✓ Golden Key International Honor Society
✓ National Society of Collegiate Scholars ✓ Order of Omega Leadership Society ✓ Sigma Alpha Lambda National Honor Society (Vice President of Public Relations) ✓ Alpha Delta Pi Sorority ✓ Order of Omega Leadership Society ✓ International Programs Peer Advisor |
✓ Public Relations Student Society of America (Executive Vice President of Edward L. Bernays Chapter)
✓ College of Communication Student Assembly ✓ Daily Free Press Staff Writer and Photographer ✓ Office of Residence Life (Senior Resident Assistant and Resident Assistant for La Casa Española) ✓ Office of Admissions President's Host ✓ SeniorNet Mentor |