Throughout my career as a practitioner and academic, I have led and supported quantitative and qualitative studies examining inclusive innovation, gender equity, social and financial inclusion, technology for development, systems change, and design for scale.
These findings have been shared with policymakers and practitioners, to further the field and bridge theory and practice. A full list of authored works, including peer-reviewed publications, is available here. |
✓ 2023. Book chapter co-author: GirlsEmpoweringGirls: A First in Urban Social Protection Programming in Uganda. Authors: Roisin White, Cristina Cerlinca, Diego Angemi, Ana Pantelic, Nathalie Meyer, Allen Nakalo, Amna Said Nahdy Silim, Harriet Mudondo, Josephine Lubwama Mukasa, Annet Nakimuli, Zaina Nakubulwa, Jonathan Ebuk, Florence Kyoshabire, Nard Huijbregts. Published in: Andrea Rossi and Ruben Villanueva (Eds), Social Protection in East Asia and Pacific: From Evidence to Action for Children, UNICEF, Bangkok, 2023.
✓ 2020. Journal article co-author: Ad Astra Academy: Using Space Exploration to Promote Student Learning and Motivation in the City of God, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Authors: Wladimir Lyra, Melissa Rice, Dhyan Adler-Belendez, Neil Jacobson, Ana Pantelic, Karolina Garcia, Leonardo Cassará, Carolyn Crow, Paul Hayne and Jeffrey Marlow. OSF: SocArXiv Papers.
✓ 2019. Research publication co-author: Capacity Building for Government-to-Person Payments: A Path to Women's Economic Empowerment, Research report commissioned by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to explore how digital financial services could become an onramp for women's financial inclusion
✓ 2018. Book chapter author: Soluciones Digitales Para la Inclusión Financiera (Digital Solutions for Financial Inclusion), book chapter in "Proyecto Capital: 10 años vinculando inclusión financiera con protección social" (Proyecto Capital: 10 Years of Linking Financial Inclusion and Social Protection), in Spanish
✓ 2018. How Fundación Capital Co-Creates with Governments for Scale article written for the Skoll Foundation's website
✓ 2017. Book author: Suzbijanje siromaštva u zemljama u razvoju (Disrupting poverty in developing countries), published by the Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu (the academic Institute for International Politics and Economics), in Serbian - ISBN 978-86-7067-242-0
Summary: This book provides a comparative critical-theoretical and applied analysis of poverty and contemporary programs that disrupt that cycle, emphasizing innovative solutions applied in developing countries that facilitate the inclusion of low-income individuals in basic socio-economic activities and improve their well-being. The complexity of poverty requires equally complex approaches, and contemporary solutions that integrate innovation and include those living in poverty are already achieving promising results. |
✓ 2017. Capacidades financieras y nuevas tecnologías: La experiencia de LISTA (Financial capabilities and new technologies: the LISTA case), blog co-authored for CGAP Portal de microfinanzas, in Spanish
✓ 2016. Digital Tools for Impact and Scale to Reduce Extreme Poverty, guest author for Next Billion blog post
✓ 2015. Big Challenges, Digital Solutions article written for Devex's The Development Innovators Blog
✓ 2013. Book chapter author: The Implications of a Growing Microfinance Market in Latin America and the Caribbean: Chapter Two in "Promoting Microfinance: Challenges and Innovations in Developing Countries and Countries in Transition," edited by Ronny Manos, Jean-Pierre Gueyié and Jacob Yaron, Palgrave Macmillan
Summary: This chapter examines the implications of a growing microfinance market in Latin America and the Caribbean, analyzing increased demand, the role of innovation and technology, and the expansion of financial services, followed by a review of the social benefits and accompanying challenges of such growth. While microfinance has been a sources of positive outcomes for many low-income individuals and their families, continued innovation in both the public and private sectors is necessary to ensure that the growing microfinance market contributes to poverty alleviation efforts and sustainable economic development in the region. |

✓ 2013. Scaling Up Poverty Alleviation Efforts To Reach Millions with the Innovative Use of Tablet Computers: The LISTA Initiative article published in the Inter-American Banks' Young Connection’s 9th Connexio publication on Information and Communication Technologies for Development
Summary: This article examines the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in poverty alleviation strategies, and in particular within government-led financial inclusion initiatives. It proposes that ICTs can help institutions scale up the reach of their initiatives, meeting an increasing demand for high quality educational and training instruments, and presents a unique experience implemented in Colombia by the organization Fundación Capital. The LISTA Initiative, described in detail in the article, harnesses innovation in mobile technology to expand the scope of poverty alleviation efforts, seeking to scale up and support millions of low-income and marginalized persons through unique mechanisms, such as the first-ever tablet-based financial education application.
Summary: This article examines the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in poverty alleviation strategies, and in particular within government-led financial inclusion initiatives. It proposes that ICTs can help institutions scale up the reach of their initiatives, meeting an increasing demand for high quality educational and training instruments, and presents a unique experience implemented in Colombia by the organization Fundación Capital. The LISTA Initiative, described in detail in the article, harnesses innovation in mobile technology to expand the scope of poverty alleviation efforts, seeking to scale up and support millions of low-income and marginalized persons through unique mechanisms, such as the first-ever tablet-based financial education application.
✓ 2013. Resumen de Resultados y Aprendizajes del Proyecto Piloto Colombia LISTA (Summary of the Results and Lessons Learned from the Colombia LISTA Pilot Project), in Spanish
Summary: This report was written by Ana Pantelic, Rodrigo de Reyes and John Madrigal and contains information from the Conttactica S.A.S. evaluation report of Fundación Capital's Colombia LISTA Pilot Project, which was prepared by Nydia E. Rincón, Alejandro Valderrama and Jesús D. Salas. The focus of this report is on innovations in information and communication technologies to increase the knowledge and financial capabilities of low-income people, with the goal of helping them protect and increase their assets. |

✓ 2016. Doctoral dissertation: Savremeni socijalno-politički pristupi ublažavanju siromaštva u zemljama u razvoju (Contemporary Socio-Political Approaches to Poverty Alleviation in Developing Countries) Dissertation defended at the University of Belgrade's Faculty of Political Science; the committee report is also available online, both in Serbian
Summary: This dissertation offers an analysis of the evolution and effects of poverty in developing countries, as well as the factors contributing to this issue and the contemporary approaches that have been used to alleviate and reduce poverty. The dissertation's scientific contribution is its critical comparative analysis of contemporary approaches to poverty alleviation plans and programs in developing countries. Additionally, it offers conclusions that help define short-term and long-term sustainable solutions to poverty alleviation through the active engagement of people living in poverty.
Summary: This dissertation offers an analysis of the evolution and effects of poverty in developing countries, as well as the factors contributing to this issue and the contemporary approaches that have been used to alleviate and reduce poverty. The dissertation's scientific contribution is its critical comparative analysis of contemporary approaches to poverty alleviation plans and programs in developing countries. Additionally, it offers conclusions that help define short-term and long-term sustainable solutions to poverty alleviation through the active engagement of people living in poverty.
✓ 2011. Journal article: A Comparative Analysis of Microfinance and Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America article published in the journal Development in Practice (Vol. 21, Num. 6)
Abstract: This paper addresses the question of whether microfinance and conditional cash transfers can be effective in alleviating poverty in the Latin American region, and provides a comprehensive assessment of each of these programmes using data and evaluation reports from 19 countries in the Latin American region, analysed in the context of six operational and impact criteria. The research shows that microfinance may be better suited for those living on US$2 per day or higher, while conditional cash transfers may be more beneficial for those living in extreme poverty. Neither programme offers a ‘magic bullet’ solution for poverty eradication, but they can provide positive outcomes when prescribed in combination.
Abstract: This paper addresses the question of whether microfinance and conditional cash transfers can be effective in alleviating poverty in the Latin American region, and provides a comprehensive assessment of each of these programmes using data and evaluation reports from 19 countries in the Latin American region, analysed in the context of six operational and impact criteria. The research shows that microfinance may be better suited for those living on US$2 per day or higher, while conditional cash transfers may be more beneficial for those living in extreme poverty. Neither programme offers a ‘magic bullet’ solution for poverty eradication, but they can provide positive outcomes when prescribed in combination.
✓ 2011. Book chapter: Održive navike za održivi razvoj (Sustainable Habits for Sustainable Development): article published in the book "Univerzitet i održivi razvoj" (University and Sustainable Development), in Serbian
Abstract: Our daily activities leave an impact on the planet, and it’s been said that if we continue our current trend of rapidly consuming natural resources, by 2030 we’ll need the resources of two planets to meet our annual needs. This raises the question of whether it is possible for individuals to change these statistics and solve environmental problems, and what would be the best approach, both locally and globally. This paper presents an attempt to raise awareness of sustainability issues among Serbian citizens (primarily youth) and encourage changes in everyday activities through a project called “Sustainable Habits for Sustainable Development.” The results of this project have led to the conclusion that while there are numerous obstacles in adopting more sustainable habits, and some behaviors are more difficult to implement than others, by making these topics more accessible, beginning with smaller steps, and investing a little effort, it is possible to change the accepted norms and behaviors of youth in Serbia with the goal of achieving sustainable development.
Abstract: Our daily activities leave an impact on the planet, and it’s been said that if we continue our current trend of rapidly consuming natural resources, by 2030 we’ll need the resources of two planets to meet our annual needs. This raises the question of whether it is possible for individuals to change these statistics and solve environmental problems, and what would be the best approach, both locally and globally. This paper presents an attempt to raise awareness of sustainability issues among Serbian citizens (primarily youth) and encourage changes in everyday activities through a project called “Sustainable Habits for Sustainable Development.” The results of this project have led to the conclusion that while there are numerous obstacles in adopting more sustainable habits, and some behaviors are more difficult to implement than others, by making these topics more accessible, beginning with smaller steps, and investing a little effort, it is possible to change the accepted norms and behaviors of youth in Serbia with the goal of achieving sustainable development.
✓ 2011. Energetska efikasnost u građevinarstvu (Energy Efficiency in Building), article published in BalkanMagazin, in Serbian